Where others see complex problems,
ONYXX sees solutions.

What We Do
Wise investment decisions are only made when all the available information is at your fingertips. Whether you’re interested in buying or selling a note as part of your portfolio or require deep-dive research, Onyxx is available to ensure your unique goals and needs are fully met. We invite you to contact us to learn more about our services and investments.

We at ONYXX believe that our team is the most valuable asset of our business.
​Our management team offers over 25 years of expertise in real estate, construction, banking, and management. As a privately held company, we are able to focus on offering the best deals to our clients while using our developed relationships with lenders to provide an inventory that we analyze to determine potential acquisition opportunities. Our exceptional teamwork has generated results that truly speak for themselves.
650 Bellevue Way NE
425-822-ONYXX (6699)